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The Club Pool
Pool Staff
Pool Rules
Parties at the Pool
Court Reservations
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The ProShop

Racquet Club Pool Rules

 · Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by a competent adult. (Amended as of 06/03/2014)

· Absolutely no running on pool deck or walkways.

· One at a time on the diving board – when one person’s feet are on the board, the person
behind them must have their feet on the concrete!

· Absolutely no diving in shallow water, diving only in deep end.

· No floatation devices on the diving board.

· No horseplay, pushing or shoving.

· No glass containers allowed at the pool.

· No electrical equipment allowed in the pool area.

· No swimming after eating, drinking alcohol or taking medications.

· No sitting or standing on the wall.

· No profanity allowed at the pool by children or adults.

· All children not potty trained MUST wear a swim diaper.

· ALL MEMBERS must sign in and MUST sign in their guests.

· There is a $3 charge per guest, per visit. Fees will be added to the statement.

· A member may request having a pool party for a child, but if the total swimming is over 15 kids, the member must pay an additional lifeguard to be on duty during the party.

Notes for Parents

· Please remember that our lifeguard staff is hired for safety, and not babysitting. Parents should be aware of, and watching, their children while swimming.

· The club belongs to all members. Please help keep the club in nice shape by cleaning up  your area at the pool.

· Let pool management know of any issues you encounter at the pool, and please also let us know when things are going well, too!

· Our pool maintenance crew has a special request:

                    NO COTTON in the pool!

This includes cotton t-shirts, and especially cut-off jean shorts. It may
seem odd, but a single cotton t-shirt each day in the pool creates fuzz that can cause problems with our filtration system. A clogged filtration system can cause cloudy water, and can ultimately result in a CLOSED pool while maintenance corrects the issues. We are not saying you cannot wear swim shirts, just not COTTON!